Digital Photography

April 16, 2012.

April 2, 2012.



  • You may print off your Alphabet Photography Name when finished.
  • You will have to put your name in the Project Folder and Ms. Thompson can print them off from her computer or wait till tomorrow when I get back.
  • Once you are finished your Alphabet Photo Name you can start or finish the research questions and the research statement.
  • Put questions and artist's statement in Nelson Photo10 -Hand-in Folder- project folder and then your student folder
  • If you are finished all of the above you may start on the first Photoshop assignment #1- It is a good review for the tools we have used and a good start for the tools we are not as familiar with.
  • It is a step by step handout which is located in Nelson Photo10 H: Drive computer Photoshop Assignments
  • Open Word and also your Photoshop and you can begin your first Photoshop assignment. 
  • When finished hand in to your student folder.  

 Monday March 26, 2012. 

Thursday March 22, 2012.

Photography must not try to be persuasive. It cannot change the world, but it can show the world, especially when it is changing.
- Marc Riboud

 How can we tell our photos are BEAUTIFUL?
because we ROCK

March 21, 2012

Alphabet Project Photoshop 

The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationshipsjustice and sincerity 

Tutorial on Youtube to edit your letters for Alphabet name.


 March 20, 2012

To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” ~Elliott Erwitt


Alphabet Photography examples... to inspire

Alphabet in the Environment by ~imacrazytotorohead on deviantART

Alphabet Photography Project 


STEP ONE: RESEARCH on the internet:
Alphabet Photography Photo Project and ANSWER the Research questions on the attached sheet.

STEP TWO: PHOTOGRAPH a variety of pictures, the subject matter should include something to represent each letter which will spell out your first and last name. Look at the world around you closely to see if you can see letters in your surroundings – a tree, a chair, a fence etc…

STEP THREE: EXPERIMENT in Adobe Photoshop with cropping your photos and arranging them in such a way that you create your own Alphabet Photo name. Consider changing your colour photos to black and white or sepia using layers.

STEP FOUR: WRITE your Artistic Statement after you are finished your Alphabet Photo name, explaining the photographic/digital manipulation techniques used in your work and how they support your intended visual message. (i.e. cropping a photo, changing the colour, simplifying the background etc.)

STEP FIVE: REFLECT: Answer the following questions using the elements of photography and hand them in with your completed project for evaluation.
1. What part of your finished project did you find most successful and why?
2. What part of your finished project did you find least successful and why?
3. If you had to do this project, what part would you change or improve on and why?

Alphabet Photo Project Questions
Research Questions

1. What is Alphabet Photography? (1)
2. How did the company create Alphabet Photography? (1)
3. What kind of photography does Alphabet Photography emphasize? (1)
4. List 3 stylistic characteristics of Alphabet Photography? (3)
5. What aspects of Alphabet Photography do you like and why? (2)
6. Select two Alphabet Photography photographs and a write a critique on each of them. (Remember to use 7 elements and principles (Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Value, Space, Colour,) in your written explanation.)

Artist Statement

A) Photographic/digital manipulation techniques: used in my work and how they support my intended visual message: (Remember to use 7 elements and principles (Remember to use 7 elements of art in photography (Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Value, Space, Colour,) in your written explanation.

B) Reflect: Answer the following questions using the elements and principles of design and hand them in with your completed project for evaluation.
1. What part of your finished project did you find most successful and why?
2. What part of your finished project did you find least successful and why?
3. If you had to do this project, what part would you change or improve on and why?
***Your submitted version must also include your primary photographs before editing in jpeg format.

The assignment will be evaluated on the four criteria:
1. How well the original photoghraphs were before editing.
2. The quality of editing.
3. The finished product- does it look polished?
4. Finished on time and everything handed in to H: Drive.

Due Date March 29th 2012.

Alphabet Photography Evaluation

Teacher Name: _____­Mrs.  Nelson_______Student Name:________________________________

Required Elements
The Name includes all required elements as well as additional information.
All required elements are included on the name.
All but 1 of the required elements are included on the name.
Several required elements were missing.
The Name is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.
The Name is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.
The Name is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.
The Name is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.
Use of Class Time
Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others.
Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others.
Used some of the time well during each class period. There was some focus on getting the project done but occasionally distracted others.
Did not use class time to focus on the project OR often distracted others.
Several of the letters used on the name reflect a exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display.
One or two of the letters used in the name reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display.
one letter is used in the name and is used in a creative way.
No creativity was made by the student are included.

Found Alphabet Photography by ~Ryota23 on deviantART

 Photoshop   Create Glowing Text 

Here is something I was playing with over the weekend! I created my name in Photoshop using a Beginner Photoshop Tutorial that I came across. Thought it would be fun to try! If you have a chance this weekend go for it.  It will help you learn how to use some of the tools and become  comfortable using this editing tool Photoshop. Have a good rest of the weekend! 
Click on this LINK and it will bring you to the site.
Mrs. Nelson

Photoshop- How to create 3D-Text Effect


Who will show Photo MINUTE? You, your classmates, and
your teachers: Mrs. Nelson, Ms.Thompson.
(Hopefully… many more people who love to take
photographs and talk about them.)

What is Photo MINUTE? You will choose a photo that you have personally
taken and talk about it for 60 sec.

Where will you show Photo MINUTE? You will show you’re
Photograph in Room 221 our Digital Photography Classroom.  You will upload your Photograph on your
Flickr account and link it to me or you may store it on your
USB and bring it to class. I
will open it on the laptop to show on the projector. You may stand or sit at
the front of the classroom to share your photography to us.

When will you show your Photo Minute? You will choose a day on
the calendar and show it then. If you are unable to show it that day you will
need to talk with me beforehand to explain your reason and reschedule another

Why will you show your Photo for 1 Minute/ 60 seconds?  Mrs. Nelson will bring it up on her computer
and you will have 60 seconds to talk about it. You will explain to us why you
chose it while using the language of photography.

How will you know what to
talk about in your photograph using the language of photography? We will begin
by learning the language starting now…and will continue on throughout the
semester.  Our language and understanding
will develop as we use it. You will list the elements and principles of design
that are used most effectively in your photo.

 Here are some things to think about as you
find your photo or take your photo.  It
is a good idea to talk about the background of the photo. Where did you take
the photo: location- where in the city, province and country. What is the
subject matter in your photo?

The subject is the main object in the picture;
the subject matter is the topic or context of the picture. If it is a
landscape, it is the landscape itself. If it is a portrait, it is the person in
the portrait. If it is a group of people playing a sport, it is the game. The
subject matter is what you choose to focus on for the picture. And if it is
something like in 
National Geographic, it might be tribal life, skydiving, hiking, -
it is the subject and the story that the picture tells.

I encourage
you to talk about a picture that you are proud of as it will be make it easier on
you to talk about.

Who are You?  One True Media

It's the beginning of the year and it's time to get to know each
other.  Some of you are brand new to

Bedford Road
while others have been at

Bedford Road
for awhile.  It really doesn't
matter; no matter how well you think you know someone, there's always something
new to learn.

Your assignment will allow you to get to know everyone in the
class a bit more, and more importantly, let everyone learn some cool
things about YOU!  How you do that and what you choose to put in your presentation
is totally up to you.  The goal of your presentation is to let the
rest of the class learn some new things about you.   

Now time to do some planning on your presentation.  Some
questions to ask are:
  • What information do I want share about myself
    with my fellow classmates?
    • my entire life story
    • my summer
    • my family
    • my hobbies
    • my dreams/future ambitions
  • Be sure to use graphic organizers to help
    organize your thoughts
When you have figured out what you want in your presentation, it's
time to do some planning around what your presentation will look like. This
is where you use a Storyboard to
plan what order your presentation will be in and the audio and text
you you want to include.

Now it is time to start designing your project on the cool web 2.0
called OneTrueMedia.  Using this online
tool will take a little practice, but it is a very effective presentation

This assignment
will be apart of you personal portfolio (PRODUCT) and will be marked out of
10marks. This mark will be included in your midterm mark.
Here is your
criterion for your presentation. Be sure to check back to the rubric in a
consistent manner so you are sure of what is expected.

Criteria Rubric- Who are

Between 1 min 30 sec and 1 min 59 sec
Between 1 min 29 sec and 1 min
Between 59 sec and 30 sec
Less than 30 sec
5-7 interesting things about you; appropriate title/end page;
appropriate music you like
3-4 interesting things about you; appropriate title/end page;
appropriate music you like
2-3 interesting things about you; not appropriate title/end
page; not appropriate music
1 interesting thing about you; no title/end page;
not appropriate music
Transitions fit pictures; transitions do not take away from
Most transitions fit pictures; most transitions do not take
away from presentation
Transitions do not fit pictures; transitions take away from
 No transitions
Appropriate for school; proper grammar and punctuation;
effective usage of words
Appropriate for school;  a few grammar and
punctuation mistakes; effective usage of words
Not appropriate for school;  a few grammar and
punctuation mistakes;  not effective usage of words
Not Appropriate for school; many grammar and punctuation
mistakes;  not usage of words