Visual Art 10

Visual Art 10

April 2, 2012.

A sculptor is a person who is interested in the shape of things, a poet in words, a musician by sounds.

Here is a example of how to brainstorm your assignment for "Art History" Inquiry

“Art History” Inquiry

Your Assignment:
Investigate your famous artist’s contributions to art, reproduce one of their famous artworks and present your reproduction and findings to your classmates in a creative way. The basic research question that you will be focusing on is this:   What has this artist contributed to the art world?

Indicators of Learning:
• I can reproduce a significant artwork (or a critical portion thereof) of my chosen artist
• I can write a brief summary of my artist, indicating significant events important to their development as an artist
• I can explain my artist’s style or special way of working
• I can describe the art movement my artist initiated or was a part of
• I can explain how my artist challenged thinking
• I can show evidence of my artist’s influence in today’s media and pop culture
• I can share my opinion in regards to my artist’s style and contributions

Artist List

Alberto Giacometti 
Albrecht Durer
Allan Sapp
Amedeo Modigliani
Andre Derain
Andrew Wyeth
Andy Warhol
Anselm Kiefer
August Rodin
Berthe Morisot
Chuck Close
Claes Oldenburg Georges   Seurat
Claude Monet                EdouardManet
Diego Rivera
Edgar Degas
Edvard Munch
Edward Hopper
Emil Nolde
Emily Carr
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner  
Francis Bacon
Franz Kline
 Franz Marc
Frida Kahlo
Georges Braque
Georgia O’Keefe
Giuseppe Arcimboldo   
 Jan Vermeer    
Grant Wood
Hans Hoffman
Henri Matisse
Henry Moore
Jackson Pollack
Jasper Johns
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Jim Dine
JMW Turner
Joan Miro
Joe Fafard
John Francis Millet
Kathe Kollwitz
Leonardo da Vinci
Marc Chagall
Marcel Duchamp
Mark Rothko
Mary Cassatt
Odilon Redon
Pablo Picasso
Paul Cezanne
Paul Gaugin
Paul Klee
Peter Max
Pierre Bonnard
Pierre-Auguste Renoir   NorvalMorrisseau
Piet Mondrian
Rembrandt van Rijn
Renee Magritte
Robert Rauschenberg   
Gustav Klimt
Roy Lichtenstein
Salvador Dali
Tom Thomson
Toulouse Lautrec
Vincent Van Gogh
Wassily Kandinsky
Willem de Kooning

Art History Reproduction Evaluation                                 Due: March 15, 2012                                                               
Drawing Accuracy
Drawing of lines, shapes and forms is extremely accurate.
Drawing of lines, shapes and forms is reasonably accurate. Some adjustments are needed.
Drawing of lines, shapes and forms is somewhat accurate. Several adjustments are needed.
Drawing of lines, shapes and forms needs much revision and many adjustments.
Colour Accuracy
Colours are extremely accurate. Colour mixing skills are highly developed.
Colours show good accuracy. Colour mixing skills are well developed.
Colours show adequate accuracy. Colour mixing skills are continuing to develop.
Colours show little accuracy. Colour mixing exercises need to be reviewed.
Capturing A Style/Artist
Medium is applied in a manner very consistent with the technique or artist being studied.
Medium is applied in a manner that is reasonably consistent with the technique or artist being studied.
An attempt has been made to apply paint in a manner that is consistent with the technique or artist being studied, but it is not effective.
No attempt has been made to apply Medium in a manner that is consistent with the technique or artist being studied.
Masterwork chosen very challenging in terms of composition and media. Much risk-taking shown!
Masterwork chosen shows good challenge in terms of composition and media. Good risk-taking shown!
Masterwork chosen shows some challenge in terms of composition and media. Some risk-taking shown.
Masterwork chosen shows little challenge in terms of composition and media. Little risk-taking shown.

 The basic research question that you will be focusing on is this:

                          What has this artist contributed to the ART world?

Indicators of Learning:
·         I can reproduce a significant artwork (or a critical portion thereof) of my chosen artist
·         I can write a brief summary of my artist, indicating significant events important to their development as an artist
·         I can explain my artist’s style or special way of working
·         I can describe the art movement my artist initiated or was a part of
·         I can explain how my artist challenged thinking
·         I can show evidence of my artist’s influence in today’s media and pop culture
·        I can share my opinion in regards to my artist’s style and contributions

For your presentation here are 

Visual Art 10  

Here is a great site that is set up for you the student to explore and play around with the 2.0 Web-tools that can help you present your Art History Inquiry. I encourage you to explore this list and the links on this blog page.  

Time Limit for presentation: 5-8minutes max                                                               Remember to SIGN UP... 

 Mrs. Nelson 

                                                                                                                        Feb 5/2012
                                                        Free Choice Composition

    ....with a focus on Space, Value, Form and Texture. 

Using the subject matter of your choice, compose a work of art which incorporates all the elements of art, excluding colour. Pay particular attention to value form and texture. Use the principles of design, known as “space” in your composition. Space is created by using linear and/ or atmospheric perspective, placement and the size of the objects on the page.

When planning your composition, consider the purpose and/ or mood you choose to share with your audience. Create a mood consistent with your purpose.

Use a pencil for you composition. Experiment with pressure and marks on the page! It is exciting to see what a pencil can do!

Visual Arts10 Outline