Friday, February 03, 2012

Assignment #1 ANGLE

Digital Photography 10                                                         Due: Feb 6, 2012

Good Afternoon class! Today we will finish uploading the photos to our flickr account and place your Three BEST Photos along with your reflections of why you chose them. The remaining 17 Photos I will have you upload onto your NEW flickr Account. (Please make two folders for your good and not so good photos along with the Title of the assignment, date, and image#. (Assignment#_Name+Initial_image#).

Ms. Thompson will be away today and a Substitute Teacher will be present. Have a good morning and I will see you in class at 2:10pm. 

Assignment #1 An exercise in viewpoint / camera angle

In this class we’ve explored how viewpoint / camera angle can make an ordinary subject look extraordinary.  This is an especially important principle of composition to keep in mind since most of the subject matter surrounding the school is far from spectacular.  It’s up to you to make it look more interesting than it initially appears.  Don’t hesitate to lie on the ground or climb a tree to get the angle you need.

1.     Choose a subject to shoot (I highly recommend another person from this class).
2.     Take 20 photos of your subject from 20 unique angles. 
3.     Choose your 3 best photos from the group and put them into the dropbox (H:drive) (HAND-IN folder).  Label them like so:

01_PeterJ_image3    >   (Assignment#_Name+Initial_image#)

4.     Also hand in a word document in which you write a few sentences about each photograph and why you feel it was one of your best.  Label it like so:


 ·        Remember to give yourself enough time at the end of class (at least 10-15 minutes) to put your pictures in your files and/or flash drive. 
·        Before you hand in your camera, I will ask you to delete all the pictures you’ve taken as the cameras have limited memory.
·        Back up all your assignments on a flash drive.  Marked assignments will be deleted from the dropbox when they become stale.

Point to REMEMBER...

      Assignment #1  Angles in viewpoint...            
                 Due: Monday Feb 6 at the start of class. 

      Upload photos from your M Drive (school account) and upload to your newly created flickr account. Then erase those photos from M Drive into recycle bin. In your NEW flickr account create two folders titled GOOD photos and BAD photos where you will decide which goes where. This will show your progress throughout the semester.  

            We will review the Elements & Principles of Art in Photography....